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PRP also known as Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a highly concentrated of platelets harvested from the patient’s own blood by using the centrifugation technique. Platelets are the cells found in blood and lavish in different growth factors that help in damaged tissue repair, growth of new cells and blood flow increase. PRP therapy is like nutrition to our skin and hair with virtually negligible possibility of side effects as they are made from our own blood.

For Skin: When our skin is managed with PRP process, it encourages tissue regeneration and collagen growth. This helps to collagen remodelling, skin tightening, smoothing and skin brightening. It boosts the skin’s natural elasticity and skin tone, skin texture and refines pore size. Ultimatelly gives an overall healthy and rejuvenated look.

For Hair: When same PRP therapy applied to our scalp, it enhances hair follicle function and improves hair density, quality and decreases in hair fall.

Most of the time PRP – Platelet-rich plasma therapy is combined with microneedling treatment for better results.

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